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The Work of Awareness, Courage & Love Global Project

Get Involved!
You make a difference

The words Awareness, Courage, and Love (ACL) resonate differently for each person, but the mission of the ACL Global Project is universally impactful: creating regular opportunities for meaningful connections within ourselves and with others in order to bring our unique gifts to our communities. We achieve this through facilitating ACL events, chapters, and activities worldwide, online and in person.


Our Scientific Foundation

ACL Global Project is based on Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), developed by University of Washington psychologists Drs. Mavis Tsai and Robert Kohlenberg. They found that when they approached clients with humanity and vulnerability, dramatic improvements in mental health followed. FAP's principles, focusing on the healing power of present-moment authentic interactions, have been translated into the ACL framework. Under Dr. Tsai’s leadership, ACL has become a rapidly expanding global program with chapter leaders on six continents, uniting thousands in meaningful connection.


Our Values

We believe that sharing our truest selves strengthens individuals and communities. Every person has a unique life story, full of joy and anguish, hopes and disappointments, vulnerabilities and strengths. While our lives are unique, shared experiences bind us with unseen ties of a broad sense of family. We welcome feedback, skepticism, and questions, always guided by the best interest of those we work with. We are privileged to share journeys of exploration, connection, and growth with anyone who crosses our path. We collaborate with partners from all cultures and walks of life to learn languages of love and commit to inclusivity for all. We also believe in connections beyond human relationships, encompassing affinity with all living beings and the planet.


How You Can Get Involved






Join Our Community.

Become part of the ACL Global Change Seekers Community. Here, individuals who resonate with Awareness, Courage, and Love engage in heart-opening discussions, live meditations, and enriching monthly themes. Your decision to join us is a step toward collective growth and self-discovery within a supportive environment.  Our free community is located here:


Change Makers Community: For those seeking deeper involvement, this paid platform offers members in-depth growth opportunities, collaborative projects, and support for our vital mission. Membership fees are on a sliding scale based on geographic location, ensuring accessibility for all.  Membership offerings can also be found here:  membership


Become an ACL Leader.

Train to lead your own ACL group or Brief Heart Connections Sessions. Our 10-week leader training program (available in Spanish and Portuguese) provides transformative insights, helping you evolve into a leader who speaks both the language of the mind and the heart, and to take your leadership skills to the next level in a way that’s authentically, uniquely you.


ACL Champions Training: For those who want to make a difference but have limited time, this training prepares you to lead Brief Heart Connections Sessions, fostering meaningful connections in record time with our proven closeness-generating questions.


For more information, email us at


Support Us with a Donation.

By supporting ACL Global Project, you enable our volunteers and staff, you help with our technology needs, you support our educational program that provides no-cost leadership training, and also financially supports ACL chapters and meetings around the world. 


Planned Giving.

We deeply appreciate your consideration of ACL Global Project in your yearly and planned giving. We are humbled by the generosity of time, talent, and resources from those who understand that meaningful connections are the key to creating a world filled with awareness, courage, and love. Together, we can support one another in realizing our dreams and pursuing our passions, sharing our deepest gifts to create a better world. Let's forge a community where collaboration feels like coming home—a sanctuary where every individual is valued, belongs, and matters. In the harmony of our united efforts, let's create a legacy of change that will echo for generations to come.​

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Please help support Awareness, Courage & Love Global Project


Here are some ways you can donate:


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All funds directly support the mission and operations of Awareness, Courage & Love Global Project, which is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization.


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